S6 E1 The Importance Of Skin Cycling With Madhavi Gavini

If you spend any time on TikTok or the interwebs you might have noticed a lot of talk about “skin cycling.” It seems to be the hot skincare trend, but what is it? Essentially it means rather than applying the same products to your skin every day, you apply them with “rest days” so that your skin can repair itself after using certain active ingredients (like retinol). This process can help prevent irritation and inflammation. Confused? In this episode Madhavi Gavini breaks it down.

Madhavi Gavini is the founder and CEO of Droplette (a device that transforms skincare ingredients capsules into a powerful micro-mist, allowing for the delivery of skincare deep within the skin). A mathematician by training she holds degrees form MIT & Johns Hopkins. Her background is more scientific but she found herself discovering some breakthrough skincare technologies and is now an expert in the field.

Join Lauren and Madhavi as they discuss: how she came to be working in skincare devices, why so many skincare products don’t actually work, what skin cycling is, how skin cycling works, the benefits of skin cycling for aging skin, what happens to the skin if you don’t skin cycle, how skin cycling fits in with in-office procedures, how to start skin cycling, how to fit skin cycling into your existing routine, and so much more!

By the end of the episode you will not only understand skin cycling but you will be armed and ready to try it!

Show Notes

Droplette: https://droplette.io

Instagram: instagram.com/dropletteinc

Read: What Is ‘Skin Cycling,’ and Should You Try It?



S5 E15 – Cutting Through The Confusion About Menopause With Dr. Kelly Casperson

Yes, women are finally talking about perimenopause and menopause but with so much information (and misinformation) coming from every direction these days, it’s hard to decipher the truth from fiction. And social media only adds to the confusion. Dr. Kelly Casperson has become a trusted source on the subject.

Dr. Casperson is a urologic surgeon, author, sex educator and podcaster whose mission is empowering women to live their best lives. Yes she’s a sex educator but she is also extremely knowledgeable and vocal about the topic of menopause. She’s an engaging and humorous storyteller which makes her all the more approachable and relatable…like talking to a super smart girlfriend. Her podcast “You Are Not Broken” consistently ranks in the top 10 in the Apple “sexuality” category.

Join Lauren and Dr. Casperson for a lively discussion about: why there is so much confusion around the topics of perimenopause and menopause; what’s actually happening to our bodies when we go through menopause; Dr. Casperson’s thoughts on bioidentical vs. HRT when it comes to treatments; the real story about the link of HRT to breast cancer (hint: it has been debunked); when is the optimal time to start hormone replacement therapy and when it’s too late; other benefits of estrogen; is testosterone right for you; Dr. Casperson’s belief that the term “all-natural” is a weapon used against women to keep us in our place; the NYTimes article that has the experts cheering; and so much more.

Show Notes

Dr. Kelly Casperson kellycaspersonmd.com

Podcast: You Are Not Broken

Book: You Are Not Broken: Stop “Should-ing” All Over Your Sex Life

Instagram: instagram.com/kellycaspersonmd

NYTimes Women Have Benn Mislead About Menopause

Book mentioned by Dr. Casperson: Estrogen Matters: Why Taking Hormones in Menopause Can Improve Women’s Well-Being and Lengthen Their Lives — Without Raising the Risk of Breast Cancer

Podcast Dr. Casperson recommends: Health By Heather Hirsch


S5 E14 The Madonna Effect: Ageism and Plastic Surgery With Dr. David Kashan

When Madonna presented at this year’s Grammy Awards she went viral. Not because of what she said, but because of how she looked. The flood of negative comments was about her very noticeable plastic surgery. Madonna said days later she was “caught in the glare of ageism and misogyny the permeates the world we live in.” And she’s right. It’s her life, her choice. But the debate continues over what did she do to her face exactly. Listen to this episode where Lauren speaks with renowned New York plastic surgeon Dr. David Kashan to get to the bottom of not only what Madonna probably had done, but how to get the results you want should you decide to go under the knife.

Join Lauren and Dr. Kashan as they discuss the procedures he likes doing the most, what he thinks Madonna had done, why everyone is freaking out about her, how she is handling the blowback, what he would have done differently, what he does if a patient won’t listen to his advice and suggestions, how he approaches facial aging, how he handles patients who might be scared of being overfilled or looking frozen, and so much more.

Note: We are in no way bashing Madonna in this episode, in fact we both love and respect her and feel people should do whatever they want when it comes to their own bodies with no repercussions. As Madonna who has never shied away from public opinion said, “I have never apologized for any of the creative choices I have made nor the way I look or dress and I am not going to start.”

Show Notes

Dr. David Kashan

55 Bryant Ave, Roslyn, NY 11576

(516) 515-9267



S5 E13 How Skin Icing Can Give You Back That Youthful Glow with Alina Mehrle

If you’ve seen those TikTok’s or videos with people jumping in snow in swimsuits or taking ice cold baths, they aren’t necessarily crazy. There is actually something to it. While you might not be game for either, you might seriously consider cryotherapy (skin icing) facial treatments. Before you grab an ice cube from the freezer, listen to this episode where Lauren interviews Alina Merhrle, founder of the innovative skincare company, AMEŌN .

Alina has pioneered a cutting edge 3-step cyroritual with five core products activated by Frozen Essence to awaken and unveil youthful, dewy, glowing and clear skin. Alina shares her fascinating backstory and how she came to create AMEŌN out of necessity. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at 30 and after going through 8 rounds of chemotherapy her skin was left dehydrated and fragile. She spent 2 years developing these formulas that have healing benefits as well as making skin glow.

Join Lauren and Alina as they talk about Alina’s background and why she wanted to start AMEŌN , the challenges she has had to overcome, how being a cancer survivor has impacted her life today, the ice cult movement, how cyrotherapy is an affordable luxury, how we can turn our skin around in midlife and what a “Signature Sculpting Facial” is and how it is beneficial.

Show Notes

Website: ameonskin.com

Instagram: @ameon.skin

S5 E12 What We Can Do To De-Age Internally and Externally With Jan Marini

There is a lot of debate today about the control we actually have over the aging process … and it can be really confusing. Jan Marini, founder of Jan Marini Skin Research, Inc. has been in the professional skincare market for over 40 years. Not only is she one of the most respected names in professional skin care, she has formed associations with some of the world’s leading physicians and research scientists to develop cutting edge solutions to today’s most common skin concerns.

In this episode Lauren and Jan discuss: the general position today among cutting edge researchers regarding aging both internally and externally; how we actually age now; if we can control aging now or if we need to wait for some drug far off into the future; what we can do today to limit or reduce the aging process; how diet affects our aging; if intermittent fasting helps with the aging process; how supplementation can help with aging, anti-aging drugs; and how we can “de-age” our skin now.

Show Notes

Website: janmarini.com

Instagram: janmariniskinresearch

Facebook: JanMariniSkinResearch


S5 E11 Why You Should Resolve to Go Damp and Not Dry In January with Georgia Foster

Millions of us do it every new year. We make resolutions like losing weight, getting in shape and/or going completely dry for the month of January. And then? We break them and feel like failures. Join Lauren and world-renowned hypnotherapist Georgia Foster as they talk about how much more successful a “damp” January is versus a “dry” one. She makes an excellent argument on the benefits of how to reduce alcohol consumption without giving it up entirely (which she says is not tenable for most people.)

In this podcast episode Lauren and Georgia talk about what a “Damp January” is and what it looks like, why people drink too much, our inner critic and how help silence it, what a “pleaser” drinking style is, what a “perfectionist” drinker style is, why willpower doesn’t work, how hypnosis can help, and tips for drinking less and shifting your emotional state.

Show Notes

Website: georgiafoster.com

Book: Drink Less in 7 Days by Georgia Foster

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgiafoster/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/georgiafosterofficial/



S5 E10 – Are Your Skincare Products Really Helping Your Skin with Janna Ronert

Do you fully comprehend exactly what you are putting onto your skin? The active ingredients (those that help a specific problem) in skincare products are an important part of healthy aging when it comes to your skin. Yet, most of us don’t truly understand them properly, which leads to misuse and possibly doing more harm than good to our skin. Join host, Lauren Dimet Waters as she discusses this topic with Janna Ronert, the Founder and Chairwoman of the Board at IMAGE Skincare, a clean, clinical skincare brand found in many spas and professional skincare offices.

In this podcast episode they discuss: how brands can help their customers understand how to use a product effectively (especially those with active ingredients); the most commonly misused ingredients when it comes to anti-aging; the ingredients that should be avoided; which ingredients are Janna’s go-tos for anti-aging and why; the difference between sensitive skin and reactive skin; and how and why our skin changes as we age.

Show Notes:

Website: IMAGE Skincare

Instagram: @imageskincare


S5 E9 Should You Bundle Cosmetic Procedures With Dr. Richard Westreich

There is a current trend in plastic surgery called “bundling.” Many think doing more than one procedure in a single appointment will save time and money, but is it safe? Host, Lauren Dimet Waters gets to the bottom of bundling with top New York plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Westreich.

In this episode they discuss: what bundling actually means; why it’s such a hot trend; how to be aware of the dangers or red flags; what we should absolutely run from; how to do our due diligence; which procedures should and should not be done together; and so much more. You will be armed and ready with the information provided.

Show Notes:

Website: New Face NY

Instagram: @NewFaceNY


S5 E8 The Truth About Dupes & Returning To The Beauty Classics With Karen Young

Who doesn’t love a good beauty dupe? Especially when the prices of skincare and makeup keep going up and up. But are they really the same? And have you noticed the old classics are back on beauty trend again? Why? Join Lauren and Karen Young, CEO of the Young Group and adjunct professor at FIT as they talk all about the trends in the beauty industry.

In this episode they examine why beauty dupes are and are not like the fast fashion of beauty, why there is such price disparity within the beauty industry, if the prestige brands have any recourse when they are “knocked off,” how the multi-national beauty brands like L’Oreal and Unilever justify this phenomenon within their own organizations, and how retailers get away with copying brands’ best-sellers and selling them as their own store brands.

Lauren and Karen then have a lively discussion on why everything that’s old is new again in the beauty world, what is the over arching trend that’s causing this behavior, how this is happening when many of these products seem to be contradicting current trends (like Vaseline vs. clean beauty) and what is really driving this trend.


S5 E7 How to Date Successfully in Midlife with Bela Gandhi

The thought of dating again…scary, right? Well some of us may find ourselves single again or have friends who are single trying to navigate the dating world in midlife and are totally confounded or intimidated. Therefore this episode is dedicated to making dating again fun and successful.

Host Lauren Dimet Waters talks with Bela Gandhi, dating/relationship expert and founder of Smart Dating Academy, about dating smarter and finding love in midlife. Bela has a very positive attitude and is as she calls it is “psychotically optimistic” when it comes to online dating, navigating apps, meeting people IRL, getting set up and more! In the 13 years she has run her dating academy, her clients have had ZERO divorces.

In this episode they discuss: how dating is different now than when you were younger; how to prepare yourself mentally to get back out into the dating world; the red flags women should be looking out for; how to fix a bad relationship picker; the right and the wrong ways to use dating apps; which dating apps are preferred; what cuffing season is (you need to know); and most importantly, having fun while finding the happiest and best love of your life.


Website:  Smart Dating Academy

Podcast: The Smart Dating Academy

Instagram: @smartdatingacademy