Category Archives: Uncategorized

S4 E11 – The Ticking Clock On TikTok Beauty Trends

You might think those quick-hitting beauty hacks on TikTok are for millennials, but women of a certain age fall for them too. Some are good and some are downright dangerous. How do you discern between the two? Join Lauren in this lively discussion on the dangers of TikTok beauty trends with Avoila founders, Kristy Hunston and Grace O’Sullivan.

In this episode they discuss; why these TikTok (and IG Reels) trends are so dangerous, why we need to trust our gut and better judgement, some of the worst offenders (like slugging, DIY face masks, DIY teeth whitening, sunscreen contouring, makeup microneedling and more), a couple trends that are actually worth your time and a bit about Avoila skincare which is organic, plant-based and actually good for your skin.

Learn more at

Follow on Instagram @avoilaskincare



S4 E10 Gut Microbiome: Clearing Up Confusion and Misconceptions

Last season I had Dr. Ben Johnson on the podcast to discuss the foods that cause skin imbalances and it took a shocking turn (listen to S3 E13 How Women Are Being Slowly Poisoned Unwittingly). So I knew I needed to have him back on. This time we are talking about gut microbiome because there is so much confusion around this hot topic.

Dr. Ben Johnson is the founder and formulator of Osmosis Beauty with the goal of changing the direction of skincare with a focus on dermal remodeling, barrier and DNA repair and detoxification. The line includes non-toxic professional skincare, healthy makeup and holistic wellness.

In this episode we discuss what exactly gut microbiome is and why it’s so important, what we need to know about gut health, what are some misconceptions about gut health, some of the lies we have been lead to believe about our gut health, if gut health is the culprit behind skin issues, the best ways to improve gut health and how to know if what we are doing is actually working.


Follow Dr. Johnson on Instagram @osmosis_beauty

S4 E9 Stop With The Self-Sacrifice! It’s Time To Love Yourself More

Most women have been conditioned to believe that self-love is selfish and that self-sacrifice is a virtue. Therefore they do everything for everyone else and are disappointed when they don’t get back what they give and are left drained and exhausted. Entrepreneur, speaker and single mom Jenna Banks has set out to crush these myths about how we should relate to ourselves in her new book “I Love Me More: How To Find Happiness and Success Through Self-Love.”

I could not put this book down – highlighting and dog-earring many of the pages. It’s a book I feel every woman needs to read. Join me as I sit down to talk to Jenna about how to truly love ourselves. And by that she means loving yourself more than anyone else – more than your spouse, more than your kids, more than your family and more than your friends. Seems a bit narcissistic? It’s not! Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have.

In this episode we discuss what made Jenna write this book, how you can love yourself more than anyone else without seeming narcissistic, how a mother can put herself before her children (which can seem counter-intuitive), signs that you are lacking self-love, the difference between self-love and self-care, how we can start loving ourselves TODAY, how we turn off that inner critic and become our own cheerleaders and how to recognize and cut off an energy vampire.

Read I Love Me More: How To Find Happiness and Success Through Self-Love by Jenna Banks

Follow Jenna on Instagram @JennaBanks.0

To find Jenna’s site visit:

S4 E8 The Ugly Truth About Plastics and The Cosmetics Industry

A while ago, Good Housekeeping referenced a survey of 4,000 women revealing that the average woman owns an average of 40 makeup products. Think about it. All those lipsticks, mascaras, eyeliners, blushes, brushes, and powders are sitting in your makeup case. Perhaps we should be paying more attention to what toxins may be in our makeup rather that what items are in our makeup case.

Whether you are an avid recycler or not, plastics show up in your makeup more ways than you think – from tiny packaging pieces to microbeads. In fact, microplastics can introduce some serious health risks – even though we often can’t even see them. And, like from many other things we use, the plastic that’s in our beauty products often ends up in the environment. Thankfully, it is possible to look good without feeling bad.

Join Lauren as she talks to Sustainability Scientist Dr. Mark Falinksi about how to ensure we are keeping plastic out of what goes in and on our bodies. In this episode they discuss how and why the beauty industry sneaks plastics into skincare and makeup, how single-use plastic packaging contributes to climate change, the impact of ingesting plastic, what the beauty industry as a whole can do to clean up its act, what modifications we can make to ensure we do our part and be heard, and how to make more sustainable beauty choices.


The Finch extension helps consumers make wiser choices about products they are buying on Amazon. To date, Finch has rated over 250,000 products in 85 categories on 6 environmental footprints (below) and real reviews. Once installed, the extension lives in your chrome browser as a tab in the right side of the screen. When you browse a product on Amazon, click the tab and it will give you the sustainability score for the product (out of 10) and make recommendations for the best rated products in that product category.

Here’s how to Add the Extension to help you make better beauty choices.





S4 E7 How To Rewrite Your Food Story and Unfu*k Your Relationship With Food

Are you ready to finally find peace with food and leave the past in the past? Our “food story” is that inner narrative about how and why we eat what we do. YOUR food story is a blend of how you were raised, the messages you received from influential people around you, the media and positive and painful memories associated with food since childhood. It’s really the perfect storm that impacts our health and happiness.

Join Lauren as she talks to certified eating psychology, health coach and author Elise Museles about changing that inner mean-girl dialogue in our heads once and for all. In this episode they discuss what a food story is, why so many women are so fed up when it comes to food and dieting, how we can change our mindset and beliefs when it comes to food, how to quiet the “noise” around food, how to use food to boost our mood and how we can make our kitchen a sanctuary instead of a place that causes panic.

Be sure to check out Elise’s book Food Story: Rewrite The Way You Eat, Think & Live which is a permission slip to love yourself, filled with practical tools and questions for reflection.

Follow Elise on Instagram @elisemuseles


S4 E6 Damn Tired? The Truth About Sleep Deprivation In Midlife With Dr. Shelby

You used to sleep straight through the night and now you are an insomniac who would kill for a good night’s sleep. Sound familiar? Join Lauren as she speaks with Dr. Shelby Harris (@SleepDocShelby) who is board certified in Behavioral Sleep Medicine and treats a wide variety of sleep, anxiety and depression issues using evidence-based, non-medication treatments. In this episode they discuss why women in midlife develop sleep issues, why women tend to have more sleep problems then men, how sleep changes across the ages, what women should do to improve their sleep, how to know if you actually have a sleep disorder, when to see a specialist and how sleep benefits exercise, beauty and healthy aging.

Book: The Women’s Guide to Overcoming Insomnia: Get a Good Night’s Sleep Without Relying on Medication


Instagram: @SleepDocShelby

S4 E5 – Is Olive Oil The Secret To Good Health?

Extra virgin olive oil may be the secret to a long and healthy live. Just ask anyone living in one of the 5 Blue Zones (Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece, and Loma Linda, California) where life expectancy is his much higher than the rest of the world. But the quality of the olive oil you consume is essential and most of the ones we consume in the US are subpar. Join Lauren as she speaks to Katina Mountanos, the founder and CEO of Kosterina, a modern wellness company centered around high-antioxidant, early harvest, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) from her native home in Southern Greece.

In this episode they discuss how olive oil is good for our health, why it’s important to buy and consume the best olive oil, what makes olive oil high quality, the skincare benefits of EVOO, and how to properly use it in your skincare routine. You will never look at olive oil the same way again. And trust me, after having tried Kosterina olive oil, I get it.


Instagram: @kosterina

S4 E4 – Can You Control The Aging Process Through High-Intensity Workouts?

There is nothing we can do to stop the aging process, but we do have a choice in HOW we age. Exercise is key for controlling aging and reducing the effects of time on our bodies. Join Lauren as she talks to fitness expert Pete McCall, CSCS who is a master trainer for Core Health & Fitness, author and more. In this episode they discuss how functional training (mobility, strength, power and metabolic conditioning) exercises slow the aging process, what active aging is, which training activities are better for us as we age, if you should push through the aches and pains, where to start if you are not a die-hard fitness fanatic and the different current fitness trends and if/how they are appropriate for people in midlife.

Book: Ageless Intensity: High-Intensity Workouts to Slow the Aging Process by Pete McCall, CSCS


Instagram: @allaboutfitnesspodcast

S4 E3 – The Midlife Crisis. It’s Time To Embrace Your Inner QUEEN

What you are going through mentally in midlife is completely normal. You are dealing with a lot of change and uncertainty. Yes, midlife is when we deal with experiencing a lot of losses (death of parents, empty nest, beauty, sexuality and identity issues), but it’s also a time to tap into your deepest self…where you are today. After all, change is opportunity. Join Lauren as she speaks to licensed psychotherapist and mental health expert, Joyce Marter about the dreaded midlife crisis. In this episode they discuss the common challenges women face in midlife, why it’s important to have these honest yet sometimes hard conversations, how we can hang on to our self-esteem and self-worth when there are so many devaluing messages in our youth obsessed culture, how to tap into your greatest self and bravery during this time of transformation and how to embrace your inner QUEEN! It’s time to WTF (Weaken the Fiction).

Joyce Marter’s new book is: The Financial Mindset Fix: A Mental Fitness Program for an Abundant Life

Be sure to follow Joyce on Instagram @joyce.marter



S4 E2 – How To Survive The Holidays Without Gaining Weight

The holidays are already stressful and it’s so easy to go off the rails and then think, “Screw it! I’m already a glutton, I might as well keep going!” Well it’s time we turn that self-sabotaging mean girl voice in our head off and still enjoy the holidays without gaining (too much) weight and hating ourselves. Join Lauren as she once again hosts personal trainer and nutrition coach, Kim Schlag to discuss tips and tricks for handling holiday cocktail parties, what the ideal plate should look like during a holiday meal, how to navigate a holiday buffet, how to eat desserts in moderation and what to do if you happen to gain a few pounds.