Category Archives: Uncategorized

S3 E6 How I Lost Weight In Midlife With Fitness Trainer Kim Schlag

It is possible to lose weight in midlife! I can attest. I have completed 4 months of personal trainer and nutrition coach, Kim Schlag’s “Menopause Weight Loss Course” and have lost 11 pounds and 12 inches. More importantly, I have never felt better. I was surprised at what I learned…even though I thought I knew everything about weight loss. Join me as I flip the script and am interviewed by Kim about my journey and light bulb moments.

Join Kim’s next session being released Tuesday, August 31, 2021.

I will be away on vacation the rest of August but will be back with a new episode Friday, September 3, 2021.

S3 E5 – How Herbs and Spices Can Help Us Live Longer, Healthier Lives

Who knew the herbs in your spice cabinet could actually help you live better? You are not going to want to miss this episode where Lauren talks to Dr. Melina Jampolis all about her new book, “Spice Up, Live Long” which is a guide on how to use spices to live a longer, healthier and more vibrant life. Spices and herbs are very powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that you probably already have in your home, but are not consuming enough. Let’s face it, we want to live longer but we also want to live healthier.

Check out her new book which is a quick read, a bible and contains many delicious and easy to prepare recipes: Spice Up, Live Long: A guide to using herbs and spices to live a longer, healthier and more vibrant life, by Dr. Melina Jampolis.

S3 E4: Is Pilates The Best Kept Secret To Aging Well?

Pilates is a must for inner balance, posture, alignment, strength and mobility…all of which are key to longevity. But is it really the natural Fountain Of Youth? Join Lauren as she talks with sought-after Pilates expert Alina Sedano, founder of The Core Collection by Prive, which provides on-demand classes. They will do the deep dive into Pilates and how it really can help menopausal women, prevent osteoporosis and even improve the quality of your sleep.



S3 E3 Beauty Myths That Make You Feel Old and Crappy

Do you feel the beauty industry is out to make you feel old and insecure now that you’re in midlife? You are far from alone. Guest Rachel Weingarten is a beauty historian, beauty expert, consultant and former celebrity makeup artist who has also written the book. “Hello Gorgeous! Beauty Products in America 40’s-60’s” and knows a thing or two about this subject. She and Lauren delve into some of the beauty myths we are lead to believe, how the past year has changed our attitudes towards beauty for the long-term, how we have been negatively impacted by celebrity culture, and so much more.

S3 E2: Good Golly Miss Molly (J)! Is CBD For You?

CBD is the Wild West so understanding it can be tricky and confusing. But it doesn’t have to be. In fact, taking the right amount of quality CBD can actually be helpful for many of the symptoms of menopause. Join Lauren as she talks to Shaina Kerrigan, founder of Molly J small batch, CBD-infused confections all about the ins and outs of CBD. Topics include, the difference between CBD and THC, how to make sure what you are buying is quality, how to know what dosage to be taking and some life hacks involving CBD.

S3 E1: Debunking Beauty Myths With Chemist Confessions

If you don’t follow Chemist Confessions on Instagram you should. Former formulation chemists Victoria Fu and Gloria Lu also have a new book Skincare Decoded which is a must-read. Lauren talks to them about clean beauty (and if it’s really better), how to properly layer skincare products together, if the expensive products really worth the money and their strict no-no list.

S2 E15: My Face Is Falling and It Can’t Get Up

Is it time for a facelift and do you even want to go there? Join Lauren as she speaks to plastic surgeon Dr. Amir Karam about all the advances in facial plastic surgery, his new and improved “facial rejuvenation” procedure and if it’s right for you. He also touches on all the other non-surgical measures and if they really work and are worth the money. Keep the conversation going in my Facebook Group – Growing Younger.

S2 E14: It’s Gettin’ Hot In Here…

And you want to take off all your clothes. Seriously, hot flashes are not fun nor are they funny. Lauren talks with Dr. Lauren Streicher who is the founder and Medical Director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Menopause and Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine, all about hot flashes. They discuss why we get them, what they mean, how to stop them quickly, if they are harmful to your health long-term and why most doctors are completely clueless about menopause.

S2 E13: Applying Makeup Like A Pro

As we get older the actual art of applying makeup can get a little harder. That doesn’t just mean what you apply, but keeping a steady hand AS you apply it. Join Lauren as she chats with makeup artist Terri Bryant who founded GUIDE BEAUTY – a line of quality makeup with special applicators – when she herself was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Hers is a story of perseverance and a new career path in midlife.

S2 E12: I Used To Sleep Like a Baby So Why Can’t I Sleep Now?

Menopausal insomnia is the worst, but you’re not alone! Join Lauren as she talks to Sleep Medicine & Neurologist and Medical Director at Aeroflow Sleep, Dr. Robert Yapundich about the importance of sleep as we age. Major hormonal, physical and psychological changes can wreak havoc on our sleep. We discuss why sleep suddenly alludes us, how much sleep we should be getting, what sleep disorders can do to our overall health and how to clean up our sleep hygiene.